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Justice Advocacy

On Campus


尤其是那些对社交感兴趣的人, 想要有所作为的法律和政治问题, the justice advocacy program at Tiffin University focuses on creating research methods, comprehensive analyses and responsive evidence -based practices in the criminal justice field.

Tiffin University’s justice advocacy program was created especially for students that want to address the need for change in the criminal justice system and its associated organizations, 但不一定是在执法领域. 该计划解决了社会问题, legal and political issues that impact the future of the criminal justice system – and all those who are affected by it. The program focuses on creating improved policies and practices for historically neglected groups, using evolving research methods to facilitate more comprehensive analyses of the social and political determinants of crime and designing responsive evidence- based practices, 注重司法干预以改善结果. 

With a focus on advocacy, the justice advocacy program brings together several pillars of the criminal justice system. 学生们被教授有关法庭的知识, politics, law enforcement, corrections, psychology and sociology needed to pursue careers involving policy reform, 与弱势群体合作, child welfare, 同时使用恢复性和以客户为中心的方法. Students also focus on understanding the judicial system and developing knowledge and skills in advocacy and equity.

该专业侧重于刑事司法的交叉, law, sociology, psychology, 社会正义和政治科学. The major is designed for students that are interested in criminal justice equity and advocacy, 人道主义法律和人权, social justice, victim advocacy, social work, community outreach, community corrections, prison advocacy, human services, 青少年服务/儿童福利, 政策倡导和社区组织.


The justice advocacy major is designed to prepare students for post-baccalaureate employment in the criminal justice field, social justice and advocacy field: for-profit and non-profit organizations, 研究型组织, child protective and advocacy organizations and for entry into graduate-level education and law school. These skills are directly applicable (and desired) in a wide variety of careers, including:

  • Analysis of criminal law
  • Critical thinking 
  • De-escalation
  • Evidence evaluation
  • Ethics
  • 沟通技巧(口头,书面)
  • Cultural competence

Justice advocacy students will take part in mock trials during their studies at TU. Mock trials are an innovative approach to learning the law and how our legal system functions, 由老师和志愿法律顾问指导. Mock trials help students in developing critical thinking and public speaking skills and to provide a knowledge of legal practices and procedures by engaging in trial simulations.


Criminal Justice Core

  • JUS110 Intro to Criminal Justice
  • JUS201 Criminal Law
  • JUS202 Criminal Procedures
  • JUS361 Ethics in Criminal Justice
  • SCS 300 Research Design
  • SCS470 Internship I

Total hours – 18


  • POL101 美国政治进程简介
  • PSY 101 Introduction Psychology
  • SOC101 Introduction Sociology
  • FOR105 Victimology
  • ENF150 Police and Society
  • ENF293 Criminology
  • SOC265 Peace and Social Justice
  • COR231少年司法制度
  • COR245 假释缓刑和社区矫正
  • POL207 The Courts
  • SOC320 Community Sociology
  • SOC360 社会中的多元文化问题
  • SOC380 社会运动与意识形态
  • POL400 宪法、自由与秩序
  • FOR423 Case Management
  • JUS4XX 循证儿童权益

Total Hours – 48

Course Descriptions 

SOC360 社会中的多元文化问题 -有关经济问题的分析, political, and social positions of minority groups within the United States will be presented. Interactions among historical and current social forces and institutions that influence groups and individual behaviors will be examined. 群体间关系的新趋势, emergence of new minorities and the contesting for program funding and services will be explored. 关于收入、财产和权力的斗争

interpersonal, community, national and international levels will be presented. 这是一门写作强化课程.

SOC265 Peace and Social Justice – This course is designed to provide an introduction and importance of social justice in the helping professions via case studies of relevant world events. Students will understand how social justice has informed society through peace and justice studies; restorative justice; and reconciliations practices. An exploration of hunger, poverty, and economic/ resource inequity will be included as foundational to the study of violence and aggression. This course is intended to offer students a well-rounded view of conflict and alternative means of resolution.

POL400 宪法、自由与秩序 This course examines inherent conflicts between individual liberties and social order under our constitutional system. It uses the case study approach to analyze issues including freedom of speech, assembly, press, and religion; due process; equal protection; voting rights; and privacy rights.

根据美国劳工统计局的数据, overall employment in community and social service occupations is projected to grow 10% from 2021 to 2031, faster than the average for all occupations; this increase is expected to result in about 294,过去十年新增了600个工作岗位. 除了增长带来的新就业机会, opportunities arise from the need to replace workers who leave their occupations permanently. In 2021, 媒体付给警察和侦探的报酬是66美元,社会和人类服务助理是37美元,610.


  • Law School Preparation: The justice advocacy major may be considered a viable pre-law program for students interested in attending law school.
    • State’s Attorney’s Offices
    • Public Defender
    • Paralegal
    • Private Law Practice
  • Human Service Agencies / Non-Profit Organizations – working in various roles in the following environments:
    • 法庭委任特别辩护律师
    • Victims’ Assistance
    • Oriana House
    • 庇护所中的姐妹(人口贩卖)
    • Domestic Violence Shelters
    • Child Protective Services
  • Law Enforcement and Corrections: working as a professional law enforcement or correctional officer:
    • Police Officer
    • 联邦执法人员或官员
    • Criminal Investigator
    • School Resource Officer
    • Corrections Officer
    • Private Investigator
  • Probation and Parole: various roles in the field of state or federal probation and parole:
    • Adult Probation Officer
    • Juvenile Probation Officer
    • Parole Officer
    • Case Worker

Tiffin University brings in instructors that have the education and the experience to pass on to our students.  我们的教官来自俄亥俄州的各个部门:托莱多警察局, Perrysburg Police Division, Norwalk Police Department, 渥太华县警长办公室, 韦恩县警长办公室, Lucas County Sheriff’s Office; as well as Weirton Police Department (West Virginia), 美国特勤局, United States Army, United States Navy, United States Air Force, 俄亥俄州陆军国民警卫队和俄亥俄州空军国民警卫队.

我们的教官担任过凶杀案侦探, 人身犯罪侦探, 互联网儿童色情侦探, command officers, general detectives, chiefs of police, special agents, 卧底缉毒员, military police officers, road patrol officers, 联邦特遣部队成员和国土安全人员.

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